California Crime Writers Conference wrap-up

Whew! What a whirlwind weekend. I meant to post something sooner but it took me a day or so to recover. Then I took advantage of the momentum and inspiration I felt over the weekend and have actually been plotting. Yes, you got that right – PLOTTING! This coming from a die-hard “I don’t outline” writer.  I’m resurrecting my WIP from a few years ago which is about 3/4 of the way done.  I’m now fired up to finish it. But I need a road map so am pretty much going to have to start over because already, my road map veers way off from my WIP. But I’m excited and that’s what counts.  I even signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo so I have no excuse.

Anyhoo, here are some pics from the conference. You may recognize someone who sat at my table at lunch!  Yup, that’s Walter Mosley.

And here I am moderating the writer – agent – editor panel. It was a full room and nobody seemed like they were falling asleep!

And this was the perfect way to wrap up the conference: fried chicken at Dinah’s with my closest writer friends. Gluten free diet be damned!


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